Need a blog topic idea? Build on a good post - IT In Your Hand

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Need a blog topic idea? Build on a good post

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           When you have a great blog going you will be able to enjoy the success but at the same you will feel the pressure of keeping up with writing great blog posts to sustain that success. And there will be times when you will find it tough to come up with something fresh and new. On such a day one option for you is to read your own posts of the past, specially the ones that have been received well. There is a good chance you will have something more to say on the topic. Or perhaps a readers comment sets off a train of thought that leads to a new and interesting blog post.

But before you jump on to the opportunity that writing further on an earlier blog post presents you should consider the up side and the down side. On the down side if the original post had covered the issue in sufficient detail then another post on it may be more like flogging a dead horse. But chances are if the post was liked a lot earlier the topic has quite some depth and the flogging a dead horse analogy may not be quite true. That brings us to the potential up side. And there are many and they easily out weigh the down side most of the time.

One potential up side is that that the reader response allows you to shed better light on the issue now that you know how the readers are receiving your ideas. Then writing on an earlier blog topic can help you build a longer chain of thought which could lead on to something bigger. If your readers have made useful comments to your post and those comments help you to develop your ideas further, then you can acknowledge such readers in the blog post and this should bring your blogging community closer.

When you go beyond scraping the surface of a topic and taking it up in greater depth you can expect to find more issues of interest. These will add depth to your blog and it will go a long way in helping you consolidate your reputation in your domain of expertise.

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