Weird facts about technology: - IT In Your Hand

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Weird facts about technology:

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  • It’s impossible for your computer to be infected by a virus, just from opening an email message.
  • 70% of virus writers actually work under a contract for an organization.
  • Bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and
    laser printers were all invented by women.
  • Leonardo DA Vinci invented the scissors.
    Close to 60% of the radiation that comes from a mobile phone goes directly to the users head.
    The web, not indexed by search engines is said to be 500 times bigger than the current size of the indexed web.
  • The original URL for Yahoo was was
  • The name of the search engine Alta Vista came into existence when the word Vista was misinterpreted as “Alta Vista” on a white board.
  • Up until the 14th of September, 1995, domain registration was free.
  • The average person receives around 30 emails a day, 3 of these being spam.
  • Billions of hours are wasted online, spent, waiting for content to download.
  • The first “modern” computer was built in 1941 by Konrad Zuse in World War 2. He looked to funding from the Germans but was denied because they did not expect the war to last beyond Christmas.

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